The story revolves around Katherine, who left her daughter, Lucy, and her husband, David, in pursuit of fame, glory, and money. Six years down, Katherine is a successful stage performer at a local theater. At the same time, Michael, a security guard at the theater, is in love with Katherine. However all his efforts to woo Katherine is in vain. Lucy, on the other hand, is longing for her mother to return home.
Will Lucy ever win back her mother's love?
Will she ever see her family come back together again?
Will Michael's love be returned?
.: This is the sumarry of this musical play :.
It is an interesting and touching story. And it is worth for watching and also worth for us to give it a clap!!!!!
Well done to all the actors!!!
You all do make us amazed by your effort to bring out such wonderful musical play!!!!
Can't wait for next year's christmas, and i am sure that everyone is waiting for the following christmas thingy
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